Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Econmonster's Grand opening night at Black Cat Collective Vintage Emporium!

This is going to be a blog mostly just stating what is going on in the picture and about my experience at Econmonster's grand opening at its new venue :)

This is my Best fraaand Reena Datt, we've been friends since 2009 and I brought her because going out with her is always fun!(she looked cute huh!guess her nationality, most people guess wrong :P)


This is the front of the building, I love the name and everything about it. Once you go in you go through some gates, but I forgot to take a picture. It has the cutest little garden/patio? that was lit by white Christmas lights, it was beautiful.Once I went in there were a lot of vendors selling things they had made themselves(diy). There were jewelers, artists, thrifters, polish maker(Katherine), other crafts, a bar, and a little dj(music box?).


This was Katherine's display for her polishes, if you were at her first nail polish party, it was technically set-up the same way. 


She was  alo selling some cute earrings, necklaces, and rings made with her polishes. There were also some blank cabochon blanks and stones so we could make our jewelry with whatever kind of polish we wanted to.

This is some of the jewelry she had made! So much to choose from! 

I swear Katherine has the cutest set-ups.

She had a little table set-up enough to fit about six people, where ladies were chatting away, painting their nails, where my friend and I were making our rings.

I made my Cabochon using Ophelia's love a dark purple thermal polish with glitter. 
This was the finished product!! I loved it ! :D


          Here's a picture of my friend and I lol, I mean it's a must when you go out!

There were props and a background set-up so people could take pictures.
Do you like our mustaches?

 Hehe, what do you think of me in a bow-tie?


This is the lovely Katherine and I. She has a wonderful name doesn't she ;), I am so glad I met her she is a beautiful person inside and out, she is very kind , has wonderful ideas, and great patience in helping people who were painting nails.

 Another one, this time all of us three :))

After we were finished making our rings, we took a tour of Black Cat Collective Vintage Emporium. Ecomonster was on the second floor. Thoey(the owner) was holding a toothbrush drive and silent auction from 6-9 p.m.

She was selling beautifully crafted and vintage products.


Loved this typewriter and her logo of three little monsters.

These Diy candles in egg shells are unbelievable and super cute!


I'm not sure is she was selling the Pinata, but I would totally want it for my birthday!!

I was so in awe of the place that I forgot to take pictures of the other rooms where there were also other vendors.  There were a lot of vendors and mini shops where they sold everything from clothes, shoes, silverware, toys, art, sound systems, jewelry, bikes, love seats, etch. The Vintage-y feel the place had made my friend and I felt like we were back in time, except that everyone was wearing normal clothes. It would be cool if they had a mini party where everyone dressed like people did back in the day. It was a really new and cool experience. Thank you Katherine and Thoey for the awesome day! Reena thank for accompanying me hopefully you had as much fun as I did.
Ecomonster's Instagram:http://instagram.com/ecomonster#

* If you would like to come to the Eye's on Indie nail party on Sept. 15, where you will get to make diy stuff, manicures, meet the creative minds/faces behind indie polish, meet bloggers, eat goodies, and have a good time click on the link --> http://ecomonster.com/?product=915-eyes-on-indie-party sign-up is $5 to cover material costs.
Hope to see you there!! 

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