Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Swatch of Polished by KPT Nostalgia

Hello Lovelies! Have I ever mentioned my love for thermals? I don't think I have, but now you know! They are so magical and it is still amazing to me, I love how they change in an instant, can't help but stare at your nails. While you are washing dishes, when you go out and its hot, while taking a shower, etc.

Nostalgia was given to my by Katherine, she had little presents that she was giving away for people who RSVP'd to her event. In that little box came Nostalgia, little nail art wheel, a file, and chocolates. She is  so giving !!!

Nostalgia is a polish that dries on Matte and is a super light purple with shimmer(when the temperature of your fingers is warm/hot).

If you have longer nails, your tips tend to look like this. This is also the transitioning effect.

 When your skin is cold or you are using cold water, Nostalgia turns into a dark purple with lots of shimmer. In person, the purple looks more intense. I painted 2 coats of this polish on my first three fingers and on my pinky I painted it with 3(plus top coat on all fingers). You can tell more that 3 coats is better (at least for me), when your skin is cold because I noticed teeny tiny patches on my middle finger. I couldn't really tell most of the time because my hands were always almost warm.

This last picture is of a ring I made with Ophelia's Love at the grand opening of Ecomonster at it's new venue, at Katherine's little DIY station. Ophelia's love is a thermal polish, that is a dark intense purple with grey undertones and with with even more shimmer/glitter that turns into a really light, light purple with the shimmer/glittler. I really forgot that it was a thermal and one day that it was hot, it changed to a really light color. I got really freaked out! But, then I put it in a cool area and it changed back, AMAZING!!

Thermals will forever continue to be magical! Don't you agree?
Thank you for reading!

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